In city living environments, we’ve all become accustomed to streets lined with grey cement and brown bricks. With Streetscape Art and Beautification, we can turn oft overlooked areas into colorful pops of joy and enjoyment, as well as send messages of unity and pride in our Downtown.
Well-designed cityscapes encourage connection, friendship, and community spirit among residents, which in turn can support higher levels of health and wellbeing. Revitalizing Downtown areas through aesthetic enhancements encourages resident and visitor use of the area, improving our streetscapes and beautifying the district to create a better place to shop and do business.
an alligator crawls onto whitney
East Coast street artist Tom Bob brings some fun, color, and a peek into his imagination with this new streetscape art creation on Whitney Avenue! This exposed pipe alongside Whitney’s sidewalk was begging (growling?) for the Tom Bob treatment. We hope this toothy creature brings a toothy smile to your face as you explore the Audubon Arts District of downtown New Haven!

Utility Box Art
The Utility Box Art program is a public art initiative designed to transform common utility boxes into distinctive works of art, creating a more vibrant, attractive cityscape.
2024 Artists
Artist: Perez
2023 Artists
Artist: Marshun Art (In partnership with 6th Dimension, a city-wide Afrofuturist festival)
Corner of Temple and Crown Street
158 Temple Street
Chapel Street, Between Church and Temple Street (New Haven Green Bus Stop)
Artist: LaCroix Artistry
220 College Street
1070 Chapel Street
27 Temple Street
313 Crown Street
280 Crown Street
Corner of Chapel and Church Street (New Haven Green)
Corner of College and Chapel Street
Corner of Crown and York Street
The Arts Paper: Downtown, Artists Paint Outside the Box | January 5, 2024 New Haven Register: West Haven window artist thrives with ‘nontraditional canvas’ | December 22, 2023